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Telford Motorcycle Show 2022

The Classic Dirt Bike Show 2022: A Look at Some of the Amazing Old Dirt Bikes

The Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show 2022

The Telford Classic Dirt Bike Show is one of the largest classic off-road shows in the UK. This year's show was held at the Telford International Centre on February 12-13, 2022, and featured a wide variety of classic dirt bikes from all over the world.

One of the highlights of the show was the display of some of the fantastic old dirt bikes that were captured in the first video. These bikes included a variety of makes and models, from classic British bikes like BSA and Triumph to American bikes like Harley-Davidson and Indian.

The show also featured a number of other attractions, including a swap meet, a stunt show, and a live music performance. It was a great day out for anyone who loves classic dirt bikes, and it's sure to be even better next year.

Some of the Stunning Machines Confirmed for the Classic Dirt Bike Show

The Classic Dirt Bike Show is always a popular event, and this year's show is set to be even bigger and better than ever before. A number of stunning machines have been confirmed for the show, including:

  • A 1967 BSA Victor MX250
  • A 1972 Triumph TR5T Trophy Trail
  • A 1974 Harley-Davidson XR750
  • A 1976 Indian XR1000

These are just a few of the amazing bikes that will be on display at the Classic Dirt Bike Show. If you're a fan of classic dirt bikes, then you won't want to miss this event.
